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Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 30. August 2005

So ein Rezept kann man immer mal gebrauchen: Strips XML/HTML Tags from string. [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python


Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 23. August 2005
Noch mehr Schlangenfraß

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons in wxPython. [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Kirschen für die Schlange

Kleines Tutorial: CherryPy for CGI Programmers. »The CherryPy application framework for Python makes Web applications easier to write than plain Common Gateway Interface (CGI). At the same time, it's simple — not full of little-used features — and easy to learn. This introduction shows everything needed to write Web applications with CherryPy.« Ausdrucken! [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 16. August 2005
Endlich ein brauchbares PyObjC-Tutorial

Und zwar von Apple selber: Using PyObjC for Developing Cocoa Applications with Python. »While Cocoa applications are generally written in Objective-C, Python is a fully capable choice for application development. Python is an interpreted, interactive and object-oriented programming language, that provides higher-level features such as regular expressions and garbage collection, and it's built into Mac OS X Tiger.« Natürlich ausdrucken! [Ranchero]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 12. August 2005
Äpfel und Birnen

Da hat jemand Python und Java miteinander verglichen. [Peter van I. per Email.]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Podcasting und Vodcasting mit dem Pinguin

PenguinTV »is a Python-based RSS reader specifically designed for downloading and viewing podcasts and video blog entries.« Die aktuelle Version besitzt auch Bittorrent-Unterstützung. [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Mittwoch, den 10. August 2005
Python und XML

Uche Ogbuji hat fertig: Das Amara XML Toolkit ist in der Version 1.0 draußen. »Amara XML Toolkit is a collection of Pythonic tools for XML data binding. Not just tools that happen to be written in Python, but tools built from the ground up to use Python idioms and take advantage of the many advantages of Python over other programming languages.« Mehr dazu vom Meister selber (aus der Zeit, als Amara noch Anobind hieß): Introducing Anobind. [XML-SIG]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 9. August 2005
Noch mehr Schlangenfraß

Connecting databases to Python with SQLObject ist eine ganz nette Einführung in SQLObject — einen der netteren Object-Relation-Mapper für Python. [Hugos House of Weblog Horror]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Die eiserne Schlange

Python Icon, Photo: Gabriele Kantel Noch ein Update: IronPython 0.9 released. [Python News]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 2. August 2005
Fensterln mit der Schlange

Python Icon, Photo: Gabriele Kantel Endlich mal wieder ein wxPython-Tutorial: Dialogs in wxPython: »You are probably already familiar with a few dialogs that can be used in your wxPython applications. Of course, wxPython contains many more dialogs, ranging in complexity from very simple to pretty advanced and covering a variety of topics, from text selection to color selection. In this article, we'll take a look at more of wxPython's dialogs - what they are for and how they are placed in an application.« [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Ebenfalls dort gefunden: Designing a Calculator in wxPython.

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python
