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Daily Link Icon Montag, den 25. April 2005
Python und XML

Python and XML Book Cover Unser aller Python-Guru, Uche Ogbuji, hat wieder zugeschlagen: Making old things new again. »In his latest »Python and XML« column for, Uche Ogbuji talks about some of the new XML document-creation features in Amara and 4Suite.« Ausdrucken! [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

[Related Reading]: Christopher A. Jones, Fred L. Drake, Jr.: Python & XML, Chapter 1: The Power of Python and XML.

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python


Daily Link Icon Donnerstag, den 21. April 2005
Und wo wir gerade bei Rendezvous sind

PyRendezvous ist eine Implementation von Zeroconf (a.k.a. Rendezvous a.k.a. Bonjour) für Python. [Unix fuer MacOS X Anwender]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Mathematik mit der Schlange

Python Icon, Photo: Gabriele Kantel Brian Ray: Matplotlib may someday change the digital print world. Mit einem kleinen Beispielscript. Ausdrucken! [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 15. April 2005
Mit der Schlange telephonieren

Python on Your (S60) Phone. »Nokia recently released a Python distribution that runs on Series 60 phones. Sure it's cool, but is it useful? John Littler walks through the available packages and the installation process, as well as some example Python code.« Ausdrucken! [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service:]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 12. April 2005
Zopes Datenbank observieren

Wer immer schon einmal in seine ZODB reinschauen wollte, ohne Zope gleich anzuwerfen: A simple ZODB viewer in wxPython. [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 8. April 2005
Der Mac und die Schlange

Python Icon, Photo: Gabriele Kantel PyObjC and Unicode. »Bob Ippolito observes that there's a constant battle in PyObjC about what to do about regular 'str' instances, since Foundation doesn't have a data type that's unencoded bytes and text at the same time. This week he committed a change that he hopes will address this.« [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 5. April 2005

Python & Java: a Side-by-Side Comparison.

Posted by Peter van I. | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Montag, den 4. April 2005

Twisted 2.0 »has been released. Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications.« [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python
